Tisadagens engelska lektion

Ja på dagens engelska lektion gick det till så här mellan Anna och Lisa...
Annas brev som Lisa skrev..

Dear Maurice.

No I don’t have a job. I don’t have enough time for that. But I work in the church.. I use to read to pore blind children. I get a kick from that! They are  so cute. Did I tell you that I’m a vegetarian? Well I’am. I only eat fruit from the ground. I’ve got a boyfriend, he is actually a goat, I don’t see why people think that’s strange! I love him and that’s all that matters! I love when he bite me, mmm me horny!  

 Xoxo your christian vegetarian big boobed girl Anna

 Ps. Thinking of you….<3

Och Lisas brev som Anna skrev
Dear Thin (Ja den lilla pojken ifrån Holland heter faktiskt thin)                                                                                            

Thin are you fat? I hope you are because I like fat men. They are so sexy. I just looove when the fat of big men jumps, when they move. Mmm me horny! And I hope you are rich then we can get married! Don’t you want that.! I can move to you and we can get happily ever after. We can live in a wonderful house and get many fat little kids. Wouldn’t that be great?

Xoxo your blond Swedish Lisa! None Christian Lisa

And by the way religion is just for stupid people like my friend Annna! I think she is the most stupid girl in the world!!!!but I like her any way. I am with her because that make me less stupid. 


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